Trust surgeon receives prestigious award for his research contributions

Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon working at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals (DBTH) has been awarded national recognition as an Associate Principal Investigator for contributions to musculoskeletal research by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).  

Mr Abhishek Arora, a Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon within the Trust, joined DBTH in 2009. As a Trainee Principal Investigator in Orthopaedics, Mr Arora has played a pivotal role in the successful implementation of various research initiatives and studies, enriching the knowledge and understanding of musculo-skeletal conditions nationally.  

The Associate Principal Investigator scheme, sponsored by the Royal Colleges and NIHR, seeks to foster research excellence among ambitious and academically inclined healthcare professionals. As part of this scheme, Mr Arora has actively participated in NIHR-sponsored research studies, leading the way in driving innovation and advancements in orthopaedic practices. 

One of Mr Arora’s notable accomplishments includes facilitating the start of the FRUITI (Fix or Replace Undisplaced Intracapsular fractures Trial of Interventions) study at DBTH, in collaboration with the Oxford Clinical Trials Unit.  

The NHS sees approximately 70,000 hip fractures annually, with DBTH caring for 600 cases per year. The treatment approaches for undisplaced hip fractures vary across the country, with some hospitals opting for fixation while others choose partial or total hip replacements. 

DBTH’s high volume of hip fracture patients made the Trust an ideal site to launch the FRUTI study to investigate the treatment disparity.  

It is not surprising that Mr Arora’s contributions have received national recognition. Understanding the importance of open communication and collaboration, he established a social network group comprising of other principal investigators, doctors, and research staff involved in the studies.  

Within this group, Mr Arora dedicates time to discuss research endeavours, providing support and guidance to colleagues with diagnostics, eligibility criteria, and randomisation, helping to foster a cohesive and well-informed research team for the study.  

A photograph of Mr Arora and the FRUTI Study Team stood outside of the hospital's Theatres Department. Mr Arora and Mrs Bull are in blue scrubs., whilst Mr Vashista and Mrs Waddingham are in workplace attire.
Mr Arora and the FRUTI Study Team. From left to right: Mr Vashista, Mrs Elenor Bull, Mr Arora and Mrs Angela Waddingham.

Mr Arora’s dedication to research also goes beyond the call of duty. He is known for going above and beyond by visiting the research office on his days off to ensure that no recruiting opportunity is missed, exemplifying his remarkable commitment to ensuring the success of the study.  

The award, presented at the 11th NIHR Orthopaedic Trauma Society Musculoskeletal Trauma Trials Annual conference in Edinburgh, was received by Mr Arora’s esteemed colleagues, Angela Waddington, Research Sister, and Elenor Bull, Advanced Care Practitioner.  

Mr Arora, when expressing his gratitude for the award, acknowledged the collective effort that contributed to this milestone, and said: “I would like to highlight the enormous contribution made by the team, including Mr Girish Vashista, Mr Sanjeev Madan, Mrs Angela Waddingham, Mrs Elenor Bull and Mr Rajan Maheshwari. I am especially thankful to the Research department, whose unwavering assistance and hard work behind the scenes have been crucial in initiating new studies and recruiting patients. Thank you to my work colleagues, who have been incredibly supportive, referring patients during their on-call duties.”  

He went on to say: “The Trauma & Orthopaedic Department at DBTH is a fantastic place to work and I am truly honoured to be a part of this remarkable team.” 

Due to Mr Arora’s unwavering commitment and effective leadership, DBTH has achieved remarkable success in research recruitment, currently ranking second in the UK for the FRUITI study. Additionally, Mr Arora has served as an Associate Principal Investigator for other national studies such as CRAFFT, SCIENCE, and ACTIVE.  

As a result of his exceptional contributions, Mr Arora has become a driving force in research at DBTH. His exemplary work has also led to his appointment as Principal Investigator for his own studies.  

Dr Jane Fearnside, DBTH’s Head of Research, said: “I would like to congratulate Mr Arora on this fantastic achievement, I know his dedication and hard work have been vital in initiating new studies and has played a pivotal role in driving our Trust’s research goals forward. The invaluable contributions of Mr Arora and the rest of the team are placing us at the forefront of advancements in orthopaedic care and ensuring we can deliver the highest possible care for our patients.”