Help us name our new surgical robot

We are looking for suggestions as to the name of our soon-to-be-delivered surgical robot.

With the help of Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals Charity and the Fred and Ann Green Legacy Fund, our Trust is investing £3.6 million to bring a surgical robot to Doncaster Royal Infirmary.

Once in place, this innovative piece of tech will transform the way that our surgeons perform certain cancer surgeries.

Operated by a surgeon in a method similar to VR, a camera is inserted inside the patient and robotic arms are controlled from a console using an advanced set of instruments for a minimally invasive surgery. This procedure allows for greater precision than traditional laparoscopic (also known as ‘keyhole’) or open surgery.

The tech currently goes by the name of the Da Vinci Surgical System, but we know our communities can do better, and we are looking for your ideas!

Share your name suggestions by completing this short form – if your suggestion is picked, you will win a £25 voucher.

Activity for young people

Looking for something for your children to do this Easter break? We’ve got you covered!

We want name submissions, and a logo, from local children. Better yet, the top three suggestions will receive a £25 voucher each.