Introducing our Nursing Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Quality strategy

We have launched our Nursing Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHPS) Quality Strategy, which will help to guide us over the next five years.

As Chief Nurse at DBTH, I am delighted to launch our Nursing Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHPS) Quality Strategy, which will help to guide us over the next five years.

This strategy will support us in our mission to become the safest Trust in the country, outstanding in all that we do, which in turn supports our True North ambitions to provide outstanding care and improve patient experience.

It is our ambition that our systems and processes will ensure safety, quality and effectiveness and that we listen to feedback to ensure that our patients receive compassionate and personalised care.

Ultimately, we are aiming to have the best possible outcomes for our patients and to deliver care that we would be happy for our loved ones to receive, and this strategy will act as our guide as we navigate to this goal.

The strategy is split into six key themes which is based around a set of collectively agreed “we will statements” outlining our ambition and what we want to achieve in the next five years. Each broad theme has some specific objectives which we know we need to achieve throughout the delivery of the strategy and some ways which we are planning to measure our progress in these.

I would encourage you to read the full strategy, which can be found here. A slimmed down, printable ‘plan on a page’ can be found here, and below.


The delivery of our NMAHPS quality strategy will also be supported by other enabling Trust strategies and functions, aligned with our True North ambitions. It will also be supported by a robust quality architecture, quality assurance framework and governance processes. The strategy will be supported by a children and young people delivery plan and a maternity delivery plan. Each strategic objective will have a detailed delivery plan with a dedicated senior responsible person aligned to each strategic aim.

I’d like to thank everyone for their hard work developing this strategy and I’m looking forward to seeing its objectives come to fruition over the next few years.

Karen Jessop
Chief Nurse