FOI Compliance Quarter 2

July-Sept 2024-2025

Data to CollectQuarter 1 April-June 2024
Total requests received166
Total open requests0
Total of open requests with permitted extensions – public interest test0
Total of open requests with permitted extensions – complex and voluminous0
Total requests closed166
Total requests closed within statutory timescale137
Total requests closed with a permitted extension0
Total requests closed outside statutory timescale29
Total closed requests where information was granted in full145
Total closed requests where information was withheld in full8
Total closed requests where information was partially provided13
Total internal reviews received1
Total requests with a stopped clock for clarification2
Total requests with a paused clock for fees notice0
Total of overdue requests0
Total closed requests where information was withheld under the provision at section 1213
Total closed requests where information was withheld under the provision at section 140
Compliance rate83%

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