The Born and Bred in Doncaster (BaBi-D) research programme aims to help improve the health and wellbeing of children and families across Doncaster. Local parents are invited to participate, with the study tracking their health and wider data to support the health and wellbeing of their children from pregnancy through to childhood and into adult life.
These sessions will mark the first anniversary of this exciting and ambitious project, with over 1,000 participants recruited since its launch in June 2022. The BaBi’s first Teddy Bear’s Picnic will be a celebratory event aimed at families with children aged between zero and three years old, however older siblings are also welcome to attend. The event is also running in conjunction with the first ever Doncaster Remake Learning Days Festival, which takes place over the spring half term holidays across the Doncaster region, and offers free and low cost, family-friendly activities and events.
These sessions will be informal, with lots of activities aimed at both young children and their parents. For the grown ups, there will be the opportunity to meet the researchers involved in the project, attendees can voice what health means to them, find out about the research aims and help to form future priorities for the research project.
Additionally, those in attendance will also be able to add their thumbprint to a ‘BaBi Family Tree,’ to pledge their support for the research and create a lasting visual tribute for the event.
Activities for young children include a story time with Ears, Jade and BaBi Bear, who will help the research team in reading stories to the children on picnic blankets provided on the day. Families will be encouraged to bring along their own soft toys, if they wish, and soft drinks and snacks will be provided. The family hubs will also provide activities such as small crafts, outdoor games, soft, sand and water play, and playdough.
The Teddy Bear Picnic sessions will take place between Tuesday 29 May and Friday 2 June, starting at 10am and will finish around 12pm. Those wishing to stay longer can take part in a picnic after the session finishes. The location and times of the sessions are:
- Tuesday 30 May 2023 at the Armthorpe Family Hub, Mere Lane, DN3 2DG
- Wednesday 31 May 2023 at the Bentley Family Hub, The Avenue, DN5 0NP
- Thursday 1 June 2023 at the Denaby Family Hub, School Walk, DN12 4HZ
- Friday 2 June 2023 at the Doncaster Central Family Hub, Welcome Way, DN1 3QS.
More information about the BaBi’s 1st Teddy Bear’s Picnic, including a full list of activities and family hub information, can be found here:
The Born and Bred in Doncaster (BaBi-D) research programme aims to help improve the health and wellbeing of children and families across Doncaster, with this programme maintaining a strong focus on health inequalities and inclusion. The data provided from this cohort study will help the partnership in gaining a better understanding of what local families want and need from healthcare services across the borough, ensuring locally commissioned services are inclusive, with consideration of additional research for further understanding and improvement for our local population.
More information about BaBi-D can be found here: