Each ward is managed by a Band 7 Ward Manager. All staff work an internal rotation shift system working days and nights. All areas provide a learning environment for Student Nurses and occasionally Student Midwives.
Some children with long term conditions have open access to the Children’s Hospital. Information regarding the child can be found in the open access file found on each ward. All diabetic children have open access.
Children’s Ward
The aim of our wards is to deliver hospital services that meet the needs of children, young people and their parents/carers and provide effective and safe care, through appropriately trained and skilled staff working in a suitable, child-friendly and safe environment.
Children’s Observation Unit
The unit is designed to provide a dedicated service for children and young people (0-16 years) requiring initial paediatric medical assessment, continuing assessment and ongoing care within the appropriate facilities, as recommended within the National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services – Standard 7 Hospital Services.
Children’s Surgical Unit
The unit provides continuous care for children admitted for day case surgery. Children requiring a period of observation overnight will be transferred to the Children’s Observation Unit, four hours post operatively after a period of observation.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
If your child or someone you care for has any additional support needs, the following websites have a list of available services for your area.
For Doncaster, please visit the Doncaster Council website, which contains information on their SEND services.
For Nottinghamshire, please click here.

Healthier Together – a South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Initiative
This website provides pregnant women, babies, children and young people across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw with consistent and high-quality advice from local health professionals.
You’ll find clear information on common childhood illnesses, including advice on what ‘red-flag’ signs to look out for, where to seek help if required and how long your child’s symptoms are likely to last.
Healthier Together is a partnership project which continues to grow by putting children, young people and family’s needs at the heart of the website.
Head to https://sybhealthiertogether.nhs.uk/
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