The renal inpatient ward (Ward 32) is located at Doncaster Royal Infirmary. The inpatient ward accommodates a number of different groups of patients:
- patients with sudden kidney failure, including those requiring emergency kidney dialysis
- patients requiring specialised tests such as kidney biopsy
- patients with long term kidney failure on dialysis treatment who are unwell and require admission to hospital.
The ward has a high dependency area for the treatment of severely unwell kidney patients, especially those requiring emergency dialysis.
Specialist clinics are held for different patient groups, such as those patients who have deteriorating kidney function and may require dialysis.
- Peritoneal Dialysis
This replaces the function of the kidneys for patients whose kidneys have failed. It can be carried out by the patient at home and involves fluid being flushed in and out of the patient’s abdominal cavity through a tube. Patients on peritoneal dialysis are supported by our community nursing team. - Haemodialysis
This is another way of replacing the function of the kidneys. Patients come to a dialysis unit to be attached to a machine which takes blood from their veins and removes the waste products from it before returning it to the patient. Each patient attends three times per week for around four hours each session. Haemodialysis is provided for acutely unwell patients on ward 32 and for outpatients at our 3 dialysis units. - Doncaster Dialysis Unit
Doncaster Dialysis Unit is located alongside Ward 32 and Renal Outpatients in South-East Block. This is our main central dialysis unit providing care for up to 90 patients, including those not well enough to dialyse at our satellite facilities. - Bassetlaw Dialysis Unit
Bassetlaw NHS Dialysis Unit is situated at Bassetlaw General Hospital and serves local patients in North Nottinghamshire and North Derbyshire. - Dearne Valley NHS Dialysis Unit
Dearne Valley NHS Dialysis Unit is situated at Montagu Hospital and serves local patients in the Dearne Valley area, which includes parts of Doncaster, Rotherham and Barnsley. - Home haemodialysis
Some patients perform haemodialysis at home. This requires installation of special equipment and extensive training for the patient and their carers.
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