How the Library can help you with Nursing and Midwifery Revalidation
Revalidation is the new process that all nurses and midwives in the UK now need to follow to maintain their registration with the NMC.
Continuing professional development (CPD) and participatory learning form a key part of the revalidation process – you need to keep up with your professional reading, activities and developments. As part of revalidation, you are required to complete 35 hours of continuing professional development over three years, which may include reading and reviewing publications and enquiry based research. However, there is such a huge array of information sources available that finding and selecting relevant and trustworthy information can be difficult.
For revalidation, you must also record at least five reflections on the Code, your practice and related feedback of your CPD
The Knowledge, Library & Information Service is here to help you – particularly with these two aspects of the revalidation process.
Training and Literature Searching
The Library staff can help you find the best evidence to support your CPD and reflective practice, including evidence-based articles, guidelines and reviews from resources such asNICE Healthcare Databases , NICE Evidence Journals, Cochrane Library or NICE Evidence Search
We offer training sessions, both on a group and 1:1 basis, on information search techniques so that you can develop the skills to find the evidence for yourself.
If you attend any training sessions provided by the Knowledge, Library & Information Service you will receive a certificate of attendance. If this training is relevant to your scope of practice as a nurse or a midwife, it can be added to your portfolio and used as evidence towards your 35 hours of CPD.
Don’t forget that we provide access to both print and e-books that you may be reading to update your knowledge in a specific field, so as to enhance your contribution to practice. Remember you can reflect upon this activity and add it to your portfolio.
We may have undertaken a Literature Search for you on a particular subject relating to your research, proposed changes to guidelines or pathways, or developments in patient treatments. You will have read the information and articles that we provided – don’t forget you can reflect upon this process and add it to your portfolio.
For more information about our literature searching service and information skills training contact:
Sarah Gardner
Clinical/Outreach Librarian
Tel. 01909 572950 or ext. 572950
Dave Ashbey
Knowledge & Information Officer
Tel. 01302 642892 or ext. 642892
Support for Journal Clubs
Journal clubs are educational meetings where individuals meet regularly to critically evaluate recent journal articles. They are a means of keeping up to date with the literature, promoting evidence based medicine and teaching critical appraisal skills.
Library staff can help you to set up and facilitate a regular Journal Club. We can help you search for suitable articles and offer advice on critical appraisal.
Journal clubs are both participatory and reflective in nature so can provide you with excellent CPD evidence.
For further information contact:
Sarah Gardner
Tel: 01909 572950 or ext. 572950
Keeping up to date (Current awareness)
We provide information to keep you up to date using bulletins, alerts and Twitter:
Daily Health Bulletin – includes the latest information from a range of sources including NICE, Department of Health, Kings Fund, Royal Colleges and other organisations. To receive an electronic copy of the bulletin direct to your e-mail every day ‘Request Daily Health Bulletin’ to
Sign up to JournalTocs to get the latest articles and journal contents pages sent directly to your email address.
Twitter – There is an active nursing community communicating via Twitter:
You can also follow us: @DBHLib
Chief Nursing Officer England Bulletin provides information on leadership, events, policy and a host of other resources which are designed to give support in delivering patient-focused, evidence-based, high quality care.
Evidently Cochrane aims to make Cochrane evidence really accessible, and to encourage discussion about it, through weekly blogs, which usually feature new or updated Cochrane reviews on a health topic. It is for everyone who is interested in finding and using the best quality evidence to inform decisions about health.
- If you want to refresh your reflective practice skills, the Knowledge, Library & Information Service has a good selection of books about Reflective Practice, both in print and e-book format
- The full range of all our books (print and e-books) can be found in our catalogue at
- Click on the links below to see a selection of books which you might find useful:
Study Space, PCs, Wi-Fi and Scanning
- If you need somewhere quiet and undisturbed to work for either your revalidation or annual appraisal, don’t forget that the libraries at DRI and Bassetlaw have a number of PCs that you can access.
- We also have Wi-Fi access and study space available throughout our premises should you wish to use your laptop or tablet device.
- If you would like to refresh your ICT skills, library staff will be available to give help and assistance. We can also direct you to several ICT skills guides that we have access to through our partnership with Doncaster Libraries.
- If you need to scan any documents remember that the libraries at both DRI and Bassetlaw have scanning facilities that you can use. Library staff will be available to give help if required. (Please note that many of the documents required for N&M revalidation should be completed, stored and shared in paper format, as opposed to electronically. This is important because creating, storing or sharing it electronically may trigger an obligation to register with the Information Commissioner).
- 24/7 access to the PCs, scanner and study space is available in the Library & Learning Resource Centre at DRI.
Online Resources
· NICE Evidence Search – gives you access to high quality authoritative evidence and best practice
· NICE Evidence Journals gives you details of/access to all the print and online journals available to you (You will need an OpenAthens username and password – see below).
If you are looking for an article but you can’t find the full text online, fill in a request form and we will usually be able to obtain a copy of the article for you
· NICE Healthcare Databases gives you access to several healthcare databases (which index the contents of thousands of professional journals) including BNI (British Nursing Index) and CINAHL (The Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature) which are the key databases for nurses to use. Many articles are available in full-text online (You will need an OpenAthens username and password – see below).
· Cochrane Library – the Cochrane Library is a collection of six databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making
NHS OpenAthens – You will need an NHS OpenAthens account to access our eBooks and online journals and healthcare databases. Self-register here.
Some useful journal articles
Collins, G et al (2015) Using Reflection on Reading for Revalidation Nursing Times 111 (23/24), pp.14-16 (available in print at DRI library)
Kolyva K (2015) Revalidation: The benefits of keeping a portfolio Nursing Times 111(46), p.24 (available in print at DRI library)
Kolyva K (2015) Revalidation: continuing professional development Nursing Times 111 (49-50), p.17 (available in print at DRI library)
Clark, A. (2010) How to compile a professional portfolio of practice 2: Structure and building evidence. Nursing Times 106(42), pp.14-17 (available in print at DRI library)
Foster, D. (2014) Midwifery revalidation. British Journal of Midwifery 22(12), pp. 844-846
Munro, A. (2015) Revalidation: taking away the fear factor. Journal of Community Nursing 29(4), pp. 21-23
Oates, J (2016) Becoming a learning professional. Community Practitioner 89(1), pp 16-17
Oelofsen, N (2012) Using reflective practice in frontline nursing. Nursing Times 108(24), pp 22-24 (available in print at DRI library)
Motley, C. and Dolansky, M.A. (2015) Five steps to providing effective feedback in the clinical setting: a new approach to promote teamwork and collaboration. Journal of Nursing Education 54(7), pp. 399-403
Anon. (2015) Revalidation: your questions. Community Practitioner 89(4), pp. 16-17
Other useful links
Nursing and Midwifery Council [NMC] Revalidation website
NMC Booklet: How to Revalidate with the NMC
NMC: The Code – professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses and midwives
NMC: Revalidation Workshop (completed templates and forms)
Royal College of Midwives – Revalidation
Royal College of Nursing – Revalidation
NHS Employers: Revalidation for Nurses and Midwives
Nursing Times: NMC Revalidation: FAQs
Revalidation support from Nursing Times
RCNi – Revalidation for Nurses
Nursing-Matters: Gathering Evidence for Revalidation
RCN – Experiences of Revalidation
There are many other videos on YouTube – search for nursing revalidation or midwifery revalidation
Further Information
Full details of all the services and facilities offered by the Knowledge, Library & Information Service can be found on the other pages on our website.
Please do read and use this information in line with the guidance provided by the Trust on their Revalidation page on the Intranet.
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