Safeguarding Team

Karen Jessop, Chief Nurse is the Executive lead for Safeguarding at DBTH supported by Simon Brown as Deputy Chief Nurse and Denise Phillip as Head of Safeguarding.

The Safeguarding team ensures that the Trust meets its obligations, to safeguard children and adults whilst they are accessing Trust services.  Safeguarding children and adults requires a multi-agency approach and involves partnership working with both families and professionals from an operational level to a strategic level across Doncaster and Bassetlaw areas.

The Safeguarding team have skilled professionals in place to work as part of the integrated team arrangements across maternity, children and adult safeguarding agendas. This includes specific specialist roles that focus on supporting domestic abuse. The team work in partnership with other agencies to safeguard children and adults. The team cover Trust wide services across Doncaster and Bassetlaw and provide colleagues with:

  • Advice
  • Support
  • Guidance
  • Education and Training
  • Supervision
  • Domestic abuse advice

The Safeguarding Team can be contacted on: 01302 642437

Safeguarding Children:

  • The Trust has a Designated Doctor for Safeguarding Children, that works across Bassetlaw and Doncaster.
  • The Trust also has a Named Doctor and Named Nurse with specific responsibility for Safeguarding children. They work closely with the Safeguarding Nurse Specialist for children’s safeguarding and other agencies in order to develop and ensure safe practice and good outcomes for children.

Safeguarding Unborn babies:

The Trust has specialist named midwives that support women in pregnancy and have a responsibility for safeguarding unborn babies. These roles work closely with the Children’s and Adult Safeguarding colleagues of the Trust.

Safeguarding Adults:

The Trust has a named Lead Nurse for Adult safeguarding that works closely with other members of the integrated safeguarding team.

The DBTH Safeguarding  Team provides support, supervision and training for staff within the Trust, and ensure that policies and procedures are in place, available and monitored in order to direct practice.

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