If you need to contact a specific department please use the direct phone numbers available below. Our general switchboard number is 01302 366666. If you or ill or injured and unsure what to do next, call NHS 111. Information on facilities can be found here.
Doncaster Royal Infirmary services
Accident & Emergency
(01302) 642335
(01302) 644432
Ambulance Liaison
(01302) 644498
Ambulatory Care Unit (now known as Medical Same Day Emergency Care)
(01302) 642618
Antenatal Assessment Unit
(01302) 642797
Appointment Centre
(01302) 642500
Aurora Centre (Admin Office)
(01302) 644662
Bariatric Nurses
(01302) 644363
Bereavement Services Office
(01302) 642516
Cardio-Respiratory Department
(01302) 648167
Chatsfield Suite (Chemotherapy)
(01302) 642889
Chest Clinic (Reception)
(01302) 644508
Children’s Outpatients
(01302) 642683
Clinical Decision Unit
(01302) 642043
Clinical Therapy Booking Team
(01302) 644206
Clinical Therapy Booking Team
(01302) 644207
Communications & Engagement
(01302) 644244
Coronary Care (CCU)
(01302) 644368
Critical Care Unit (ICU & HDU) – DRI
(01302) 642022
CT Suite (Reception)
(01302) 644537
Dermatology (Reception)
(01302) 644628
Diagnostic Day Unit
(01302) 644614
Diatetics (Reception)
(01302) 642742
Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit
(01302) 642653
Education Centre
(01302) 642048
Endoscopy Unit (Reception)
(01302) 644167
ENT Clinic (Reception)
(01302) 644595
Eye Centre (Reception)
(01302) 644141
Finance (Invoice Payments)
(01302) 642254
Finance (Invoicing)
(01302) 642253
Foundation Office
(01302) 644158
Fracture (Appointments)
(01302) 642500
Fracture (Reception)
(01302) 644229
General Office
(01302) 644180
Gynaecology Clinic (Reception)
(01302) 642804
Human Resources (Staff Only)
(01302) 642563
Jasmine Centre – Breast Services (Reception)
(01302) 642409
MRI Centre (Reception)
(01302) 644570
MRI Centre (Reception)
(01302) 644571
Musculoskeletal and Frailty Assessment
(01302) 642231
NHS Professionals
(01302) 642593
Nurse Arthroplasty Service
(01302) 642641
Nutrition & Dietetics
(01302) 642742
Obstetric Ultrasound appointments
(01302) 644577
Non-Obstetric Ultrasound Appointments
( 01302) 642600 and (01302) 642747
Occupational Therapy
(01302) 644210
Orthopaedic (Appointments)
(01302) 642500
Orthoptics (Reception)
(01302) 644515
Orthotics (Reception)
(01302) 644217
Outpatients 1
(01302) 642730
Outpatients Reception (South Block)
(01302) 644508
Patient Experience Team
(01302) 642764
Pathology Result Enquiries
(01302) 642870
Pharmacy (Office)
(01302) 644337
Pharmacy Patients Helpline
(01302) 644324
Physiotherapy Outpatients
(01302) 644210
Renal Dialysis Unit
(01302) 642736
Renal Outpatients
(01302) 642722
Retinal Screening (Appointments)
(01302) 642596
Rheumatology Day Unit
(01302) 644581
TriHealth (East Laith Gate House in Doncaster town centre)
(01302) 640040
Rheumatology Helpline
(01302) 644101
Urology Suite (Reception)
(01302) 642535
Voluntary Services
(01302) 644403
Women’s Hospital (Records)
(01302) 642815
X-ray (Appointments)
(01302) 642600
Doncaster Royal Infirmary wards
Acute Medical Unit (AMU or MAU)
(01302) 642096 / 642097
Central Delivery Suite
(01302) 642646
Children’s Observation Unit
(01302) 642780
Children’s Surgical Unit (Reception)
(01302) 644604
Children’s Ward
(01302) 642772
Coronary Care Unit (CCU)
(01302) 644368
Kingfisher Ward (Gresley Unit) – Care of the Elderly
(01302) 644304
Kestrel Ward (Gresley Unit) – Care of the Elderly
(01302) 644302
Mallard Ward (Gresley Unit) – Dementia
(01302) 644307
Neonatal Unit
(01302) 642696
St Leger Ward (Reception)
(01302) 644461
St Leger Ward 7 (Orthopaedics)
(01302) 642007
St Leger Ward 8 (Orthopaedics)
(01302) 642007
St Leger Ward 9 (Orthopaedics)
(01302) 642009
Stirling Ward (Frailty Assessment Unit)
(01302) 642240
Ward 1/3 (Trauma and Orthopaedic)
(01302) 642003
Ward 6 (Trauma and Orthopaedic)
(01302) 642006
Ward S10 (Urology)
(01302) 642443
Ward S11 (Vascular)
(01302) 642625
Ward S12 (Head & Neck Surgery)
(01302) 642431
Ward 16 (Stroke Unit)
(01302) 642016
Ward 17 (Diabetes, Endocrine and Stroke)
(01302) 642017
Ward 18 (Haematology & Coronary Care Unit)
(01302) 644367
Ward 19 (Emergency Urology)
(01302) 642913 / 648098
Ward 20 and 21 (Respiratory)
(01302) 644067 / 644074
Ward 22 (General Medicine)
(01302) 642910
Ward 24 (Gastroenterology)
(01302) 642024
Ward 25 (Care of the Elderly)
(01302) 642025
Ward 26 (Surgical Unit)
(01302) 644369 / 642020
Ward 27 (Surgical Assessment Ward)
(01302) 642019
Ward 28 (Haemodialysis Unit)
(01302) 642736
Ward 32 (Renal Ward)
(01302) 642732
Ward G5 (Gynaecology)
(01302) 642649
Ward M1 (Maternity)
(01302) 644062
Ward M2 (Maternity)
(01302) 642703
Theatre Admission Unit
(01302) 642330
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