Visiting the Trust (21 February)

Please note, our current restrictions regarding COVID-19 remain the same until further notice, this includes wearing a mask unless instructed otherwise.

If you are coming to the hospital, please abide by the following:

Entering the hospital:

  • Please ensure you are wearing a suitable face covering – failure to do so may mean you will be refused entry.
  • Wash your hands upon entry to our hospitals.
  • Please undertake a lateral flow test the day of your visit, if possible.

Can I attend hospital if I have COVID-19?

  • Please call ahead to your service – if your appointment is urgent, the team will discuss if your attendance can be safely accommodated. If it is not, we will rearrange your visit.

Can I attend if someone I live with has COVID-19?

Please note, you can still attend your appointment if someone who lives with you is positive for coronavirus, however you MUST adhere to the following:
  • You must be double vaccinated
  • You must not have any symptoms of COVID-19 (temperature, persistent cough and loss of taste).
  • You must not have any cold or flu-like symptoms.
  • You must undertake a lateral flow test prior to attending for your appointment. (Has to be same day! As appointment)
  • You must wear an appropriate face covering at all times, only removing this if instructed.
  • You must take the opportunity to wash your hands upon arrival on site (hygiene stations are placed in all entrances).

If you cannot adhere to the above (such as not being vaccinated), please call ahead and we will rearrange your appointment. Please note, if your attendance is urgent/emergency, our teams will try their very best to accommodate individuals.

Our full visiting restrictions

Can be viewed by heading to: