Joining the BaBi-D programme
What’s involved
By giving permission for our research team to use your data as part of the BaBi-D research study, you will be helping us gather insights that will lead to improved health outcomes for families across the Doncaster area.
Participants will be invited to join when they are pregnant. Your midwife may talk to you about joining the BaBi-D research programme during routine appointments, at any time from point of booking until after you have given birth and are discharged from maternity care.
You will be given a Participant Information Sheet by your midwife, which will explain more about the research project. Your consent will be requested for your data to be included in the research project. The type of data recorded will be the same as is routinely gathered about you and your child, for research purposes. The data links your health, social and education records and that of your baby by using unique identifiers (eg name, address, date of birth, NHS number).
If you are happy to take part, you will be asked to give your consent at the next appointment, and your consent will be stored with your maternity records and by the research study. You do not need to do anything further to consenting, and you have the right to opt-out of the research at any point.
We really appreciate your support on this journey. Together, we can understand our community needs better and what can be done to improve health outcomes for our future generations.
Getting involved: Patient information
More information about your involvement with the project can be found on the BaBi-D patient information sheet.
Download the patient information sheet here.
We welcome your ideas and suggestions
Our research can be used to find out about many things that affect the health and wellbeing of our local children and the communities they live in. If you have any suggestions for what you would like to see BaBi-D focus on then please get in touch. You can use the form below or alternatively, email the team on:
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