Portion Sizes

Portion size requirements can vary for individuals based on appetite, physical activity levels, age, gender and other factors but the information on this page give you a guide to the recommended portion size for the average adult and should therefore help you to recognise foods you may be over or under eating in order to start make adjustments towards a more balanced diet.  For more individualised advice then please speak to any of our Nutrition Professionals.

We also recommend plate planning in the service as a quick and easy way to ensure you have the right amount of each food group on your plate.  In order to follow this consider trying to move towards half the food on the plate being vegetables/salad, a quarter of the food being a healthy protein source, a quarter of the food being starchy carbohydrates and then accessorise with healthy fats such as a sprinkle of seeds or a little dressing on a salad.  We would also recommend you aim to add 2-3 portions of Dairy or fortified dairy alternatives a day, so this may not be at every meal, or may form part of a snack, but is important to remember!

For more information on which foods fit into each food group, check out the links below and remember we are all here to answer any questions you have so feel free to bring these to your appointments.

Portion size and Food Group information:

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