Children’s services:
One parent/guardian must stay within the Observation Unit whilst the child is undergoing assessment and awaiting a decision regarding admission/discharge. Two parents/guardians are allowed to visit if the child is an inpatient within the Children’s Ward. The Nursing team will inform you if additional short term restrictions are required due to environmental factors. Currently siblings are restricted and unable to visit, we acknowledge that this may give some parents difficulties if they do not have alternative child care. In these circumstances, then parents will need to visit separately at different times.
Neonatal services:
Parents/guardians for the baby are able to visit with unlimited access and will be screened twice weekly for COVID-19. Siblings are now allowed to visit with a maximum of three people at the cot side including parent(s). No other extended family members are permitted to visit at any time; this is constantly under review and any further changes will be communicated.
New born and premature infants are extremely susceptible to infection, which can be life threatening. We have a strict infection prevention and control policy on the Neonatal Unit for the protection of the babies and ask that all parents and siblings use the alcohol cleansing gel on entering the unit and wash their hands with soap and water on entry into a nursery and prior to handling your baby.
If any member of your family becomes ill please do not allow them to visit. If you yourself are ill, please speak to the nurse caring for your baby regarding your visiting/being resident on the unit. Although we do not wish to prevent you from seeing your baby, it may be appropriate for you not to visit for a few days.
- Please note: Parents and siblings must not be symptomatic of Covid-19, or be part of a household which has been told to isolate. Please follow the link below for further information
- You must not have any respiratory symptoms and/or any childhood illnesses (for example chickenpox)
- If you have a cough, cold or a temperature you could have and infection and may risk passing this on to your baby
- If you have any diarrohea or sickness within the last 48 hours please do not visit
- On arrival to the Neonatal Unit strict hand washing must be adhered to for all parent(s) and siblings
- If you are a resident parent on the Neonatal Unit who occupies a room, you may have more than one sibling visit – however, please note that this is only acceptable in your room and not in any other area on the Neonatal Unit, all siblings must be supervised at all times
- All visitors to the Neonatal Unit must wear an appropriate face covering – if you cannot for medical reasons we will offer you a visor
- Any issues with this guidance please ask to speak to the Nurse in Charge
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