Pregnancy is an exciting time for you and your family but we know it can also feel a little overwhelming. There are many choices to make and we know you and your family will have lots of questions. You’ll find lots of information on the right-hand menu to help guide you through your journey

Personalised Care
Personalised care means women and pregnant people have choice and control over the way their care is planned and received based on ‘what matters’ to them and their individual needs and preferences.
Personalised care and support planning is a process to identify what matters to each person using maternity services and makes sure that their care reflects this. With their midwife or obstetrician they will consider and discuss their life, family situation, health and wellbeing, and preferences, so that their care reflects their needs and wishes. This video and information, explains more about what personalised care and support planning is.
You should be asked about your personal choices for:
- Pregnancy at or before 16 weeks
- Birth before at or before 34 weeks
- Postnatal Care at or before 36 weeks
Informed decision making
Informed decision making is a central part of personalised care and support planning. It means that anyone receiving care is fully supported and informed to understand the options, decisions and care that they will have.
Informed decision-making means that everyone receiving maternity care has help to:
- understand the options available and the risks and benefits of these options
- make decisions about their care
- receive reliable, clear information in good time and in a format they understand
The NHS is working in partnership to develop materials and resources to support informed decision making.
There are also other information leaflets and tools available at and the
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