DBTH Star Awards 2019: Quality Improvement Award

The winners will be announced on Thursday 19 September 2019!

This award is sponsored by Nervecentre, and the shortlist is:

ED new model for flow team

The team in ED have engaged with all levels of staff in the department to gather their thoughts on a proposed new model for flow through the department. The ED team tested the front door model of a “pivot nurse” for three days and gathered data on wait times, time in the department where patients were sent and how many were seen in the areas streamed to.

Patient feedback during the test was that they were quicker in the department even those who had been seen previously said it felt quicker. Overall the time within the department was slightly reduced and patients were at the right place appropriate for their needs much faster, the wait for triage for all patients was removed at arrival.

Antenatal Clinic Team

At a Rapid Improvement Event, the Antenatal Clinic set about trying to improve their services. Staff Suggestions were gained, observations in clinic were undertaken and staff and patient feedback were drawn upon to understand the current issues.

They trialled certain improvements such as not using notes within clinic as part of a PDSA and retrospectively looked at referrals in to see if the new referral criteria would improve flow within the department and enable women to see the right professional and the right time.

The team have also improved their environment with a clinic makeover and comfort area.

Rapid Assessment Programme Team

The Rapid Assessment Programme Team (RAPT) is an innovative forward thinking team totally working in tune with the Trusts True North Objectives, striving for excellence. With a clear understanding of the Trust bed pressures and the need to maintain patient flow, Therapists within the RAPT have been able to assist in reducing admission to hospital and unnecessary transfers to Clinical Decisions Unit by completing a joint venture with Emergency Department staff.