Clinical Biochemistry is the study of the chemical and biochemical processes of the body in relation to disease. This is a laboratory-based service which supports clinicians in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease through the analysis of blood, urine and other body fluids.
At DBTH we have Clinical Biochemistry laboratories at both the Doncaster Royal Infirmary and Bassetlaw District General Hospital sites. The department provides a comprehensive analytical and clinical advisory service to the hospitals of DBTH and to general practitioners.
High volume, automated testing is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. An extensive range of routine tests (e.g. renal, bone, liver, lipid, cardiac markers) are available urgently at all times. More specialist testing is either carried out at the Doncaster site, or referred to specialist centres.
Note that the out-of-hours analytical service is manned by limited staff (5.30pm to 9am), and there is only one Biomedical Scientist available between 9pm to 7am. Please keep use of the service to a minimum between these times to enable us to provide the most efficient urgent and emergency service in these periods.
- For Out of Hours Biomedical Scientist please contact via Hospital Switchboard.
Clinical advice is available from the Duty Biochemist during normal working hours (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm) and on an on-call basis at all other times.
- For on-call Consultant Biochemist please contact via Hospital Switchboard.
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