Psychological Services – Bassetlaw


Mental wellbeing services available to you


If you would like to know more please click on the links or call the numbers below.

In a mental health emergency please contact:

Crisis Team (Immediate), at:

TEL: 0300 123 1804

Or, Bassetlaw SPA (Single Point of Access) (Long-term), at:

Tel: 01909 572001

Or, Perinatal Services, on: 0115 956 0844


Your GP can make a referral to certain emotional wellbeing services, and can help you decide what service best meets your needs. Some services can be offered within your GP Practice.


Should you not wish to talk to your GP, you can access many services yourself. Details of which, and how to refer yourself, can be found below:

Insight Healthcare Bassetlaw Psychological Therapies

(Mild-moderate; Short-term problems)

Insight IAPT website

Tel: 0300 300 0033

Who can use the service?

Everyone goes through difficult times, but sometimes our problems affect our day-to-day lives and we feel that we can’t cope. If you are in this situation, you are not alone.

Insight talking therapies is a free and confidential service, commissioned by the NHS and is available to anyone aged 18 and above and registered with a Bassetlaw GP.

How do I arrange an appointment?

You can self-refer to our service in the following ways:

Call  – 0300 300 0033 (local rate)

Ask your GP for a referral

Once we have received the referral, a member of the administration team will contact you to arrange an appointment. Please note that it is our usual policy to withhold telephone numbers when we call you.

Where does the therapy take place?

Insight Healthcare provides services face-to-face therapies throughout Bassetlaw, and some therapy can also be provided over the telephone if this is more convenient for you. Face-to-face consultations are carried out in GP surgeries and various health and community venues throughout Bassetlaw.

Other available options are:

For relationship difficulties;


Tel: 0115 958 4278

For issues around abuse:

For issues around substance misuse:

For issues with housing:

24hr helplines:

For issues with bereavement:

Bassetlaw Bereavement Care, on: 01909 502779

For eating disorders:

Freed Beeches, at: 01909 479922

UK Men’s Shed Association:

Provide support and guidance to men both individually and in groups across the UK.  Raising awareness of the social and health benefits of Men’s Sheds in reducing isolation, loneliness and in empowering local communities


Telephone:  (0300 772 9626)

Hub of Hope: 

The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database for you to easily find local mental health services.


One You:

NHS information and plans for Healthy eating, mental health, exercise and sleep:  Website

Many employers and workplaces offer psychological support or wellbeing services, such as access to counselling, through Occupational Health Departments.  Websites and books that may also be of use:

The National Books on Prescription initiative suggest the following books:

  • Overcoming Binge Eating by Christopher Fairburn 2013
  • Overcoming Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-eating by Peter J Cooper 2009
  • Getting Better Bit(e) by Bit(e) Survival Kit for sufferers of Bulimia Nervosa and binge Eating Disorder by Ulrike Schmidt, Janet Treasure and Tom Treasure

To access these books you can contact the Central Library on 01302 734314 and request them delivered to your local library for collection

For downloadable booklets and playable videos on a range of mental health conditions Check the iCope Website:

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