Bassetlaw Labour Ward
The Labour Ward has 5 birth rooms which are homely and furnished to provide well equipped facilities giving a range of options for labour and normal birth. Rooms are spacious and include birthing aids to support active labour and birth. Wall bars to support squatting positions, birth mats, birth balls and beanbags are available in each room. A ‘plumbed in’ birth pool facility is available for women who wish to use water for labour and birth. Most birth rooms have en-suite facilities. There is an Obstetric Theatre within the Labour Ward and the Special Care Baby Unit in close proximity.
Women are welcome to choose who they wish to be present to support them during labour. There are no restrictions to the number of birth partners within moderation. Following the birth visiting can be arranged with the midwife in charge.
Visiting: Birth partners only
Telephone: 01302 572227.
Doncaster Central Delivery Suite
The Central Delivery Suite is situated on floor 6 of the Women’s Hospital, close to the Neonatal Unit and Maternity Theatre. There is a three bedded observation area for women who are not in labour and nine well equipped birthing rooms, six of which have en-suite facilities. A newly modernised birth suite is available with mood lighting, docking station and a plumbed “pool” for women who choose to labour or birth in water. All birth rooms have access to a variety of birthing aids such as birthing balls, mats and beanbags to encourage women to remain active in labour and help promote the normality of childbirth.
Women are encouraged to bring up to two birth partners to support them in their labour and birth.
Visiting: Birth partners only
Telephone: 01302 642644
Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit
The Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) is a nurse led service and deals with non-urgent problems less than 16 weeks of pregnancy. An appointment system is in operation. Women can be referred either by a Community Midwife or GP, or they can contact the unit for advice themselves. It is important that women who use this service have had a positive pregnancy test. Depending on the urgency of the problem women will either be seen on the same day or given an appointment for the next working day, or referred directly to the Gynaecology ward.
The Doncaster EPAU is open from 8.00am to 5.00pm during weekdays. If you wish to speak to a nurse or to make an appointment please contact the unit.
Telephone: 01302 642653 (Doncaster)
In Bassetlaw this service runs each weekday morning from 8.00am – 2.00pm.
Telephone: 01909 572224 (Bassetlaw)
Antenatal Assessment Unit
Some women need closer monitoring during the mid and later stages of pregnancy. The Antenatal Assessment Unit (ANAU) is a midwife led service that is run on weekdays. It is used when a pregnancy needs closer monitoring than can be provided within the community or at a hospital clinic. Your consultant or doctor will refer you to the Antenatal Assessment Unit if needed.
In Doncaster, the unit is open from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Telephone: 01302 642713
At Bassetlaw, the unit is open from 9.00pm to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Telephone: 01909 502092
Triage Assessment Unit
If you are more than 16 weeks pregnant and have any concerns regarding your pregnancy, the health and wellbeing of your baby or you think you may be in labour it is important that you obtain advice from a midwife.
At Doncaster, there is a Triage Assessment Unit on Level 3 of the hospital. The Triage Unit provides 24 hour access to a midwife and/or obstetrician for urgent pregnancy ailments or concerns. The Triage unit is the main referral into the hospital.
Telephone: 01302 642711
When you call, a midwife will assess your concerns and advise you on what action to take. This may be advice on care at home, asking you to arrange to see an alternative health care professional like your GP or arranging for you to come into the hospital for further assessment.
Maternity Triage can be a very busy area and pregnant women will be seen on a basis of priority. Your patience is very much appreciated at this time. If you do not understand what is happening to you or you have any worries or questions, please talk to a member of staff.
Antenatal Wards
We understand it can be difficult to be away from your family when admitted into hospital therefore partners, husbands and your own children are welcome to visit between 8am and 8pm. Another close friend or relative can be nominated instead of a partner if preferred. A maximum of two additional visitors at any one time are welcome during general visiting hours.
Ward M2 is the antenatal ward comprising of 18 beds which includes 2 single rooms and 4 four bedded bays.
M2 Visiting Hours: 1:30pm to 2:30pm and 6:30pm to 8:00pm
M2 Telephone: 01302 642705
Ward A2 is a mixed antenatal and postnatal ward at Bassetlaw Hospital. There are 18 beds on this ward including 3 single rooms.
A2 Visiting Hours: 2:00pm to 3:00pm and 6.30pm to 8:00pm
A2 Telephone: 01909 502925
Postnatal Wards
At Doncaster, ward M1 is the postnatal ward comprising of 26 beds which includes 10 single rooms and 4 four bedded bays. Partners, husbands and your own children are welcome to visit between 8am and 8pm. Another close friend or relative can be nominated instead of a partner if preferred. A maximum of two additional visitors at any one time are welcome during general visiting hours.
Visiting Hours: 1:30pm to 2:30pm and 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Telephone: 01302 644060
Visiting and contact details for ward A2 are shown above.
If you wish to visit outsider of general visiting times shown above or if you have any difficulties, please contact the Midwife in Charge. Whilst a patient’s own children are welcome to visit, we do not encourage young children/babies to attend due to a newborn’s susceptibility to infection.
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