The Nutrition and Dietetic Service comprises of four teams of Dietitians and Dietetic Assistants who work across the Doncaster and Bassetlaw area providing dietary advice to adults. There is a separate Paediatric Dietetic Team who can be contact on 01302 642633.
Registered dietitians are qualified health professionals that assess, diagnose and treat diet and nutrition problems at an individual and wider public health level. Uniquely, dietitians use the most up-to-date public health and scientific research on food, health and disease, which they translate into practical guidance to enable people to make appropriate lifestyle and food choices.
The title ‘dietitian’ can only be used by appropriately trained professionals who have registered with the Health Care Professions Council and whose details are on the HCPC website.
What we do
We provide dietary advice to help with the management or prevention of a range of different conditions such as:
- Diabetes
- Digestive Conditions such as; Coeliac Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and liver and pancreatic disease
- Hyperlipidaemia
- Under nutrition
- Pre and post-surgical nutritional support
- Tube feeding
- Renal disease
- Tier 3 and 4 Weight Management.
How to access the service
People are referred to the dietetic department by the hospital team during an admission or by their GP, practice nurse or other health professional.
If you have been referred to see the dietitian as an outpatient you will be sent a letter asking you to contact us to arrange a mutually convenient appointment at one of our outpatient clinics.
If you need to cancel your appointment, please contact us at the first available opportunity so that your appointment time can be offered to another patient. If you fail to attend your appointment and have not notified us, you will be discharged from our service. If you still require an appointment, you will need to obtain another referral.
An initial appointment will last for approximately 30 – 60 minutes. Any follow-up appointments will last for approximately 15 – 30 minutes, depending on what you have been referred for.
At your initial appointment, the dietitian will advise how many appointments you may need.
All patients are nutritionally screened by nursing staff on admission and then weekly. The results of this screening will determine whether a referral to a dietitian is necessary or if first line advice can be given by the ward team. If you feel it would be helpful for you or your relative to see a dietitian during the hospital stay, please mention this to a member of staff and they will be able to make the referral if appropriate.
Once we receive your referral, the dietitian will aim to see you within two working days.
If you have a therapeutic dietary requirement please inform a member of staff upon admission. Your dietitian will be able to work closely with catering in order to meet your needs.
Problems, complaints and suggestions?
We welcome all feedback so if you are unhappy with the service provided, or have suggestions of ways in which we can improve our service, please speak to your dietitian as a first point of contact. In addition, the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) can also help you and help us improve our services if necessary.
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