Welcome to users from Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust.

This page is to help RDaSH staff link to resources and services provided by the DBTH Knowledge & Library Service.


A quick and easy guide to:

Joining the library
Finding books and eBooks
Reserving and renewing books
Requesting books
New Book Alerts


This lists books, e-books, journals and other items held in the libraries at Bassetlaw Hospital and Doncaster Royal Infirmary.

You might see “Athens” mentioned a lot on our pages.  That’s because OpenAthens is a gateway to a huge array of information resources – some provided by the NHS nationally and some locally by the trust.

It takes a couple of minutes to set up an account and then you’ll have full access to resources like BMJ Best Practice, Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, The Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection  and many others.  To set up a free, OpenAthens account go to openathens.nice.org.uk/

If you need a password reset go to openathens.nice.org.uk/ForgotPassword/Reset

When your account is setup, look for your Resources page and explore! And if you want any help, contact the Library (see bottom of page).


We’ve got a whole range of information resources that you can use – from books, BMJ Best Practice,  Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines to online databases – check out our resources page for the full range available

KEEPING UP TO DATE with new research, guidance and reports in your specialty

We provide several options that you can subscribe to:

What is it? KnowledgeShare is an online system providing targeted updates on your professional interests. Whenever we find high impact documents in your area, we’ll let you know.

Why use it? We give you the latest high-level evidence in your field.

How does it work? We create a KnowledgeShare profile for you and it will be as broad or as specific as you need. For example, you could receive everything published on obstetrics or limit to receive items related to gestational diabetes.

How do I sign up? Complete a online form and we will be in touch.

Specialty Specific Bulletins

These are produced regularly, highlighting key information from a wide range of sources and e-mailed out to you.  You can sign up using the online form.


If you need a literature search undertaking – just complete our online form and email it to us.  The evidence search page has all the information you need to request a search.

Please give as much detail as possible, although if anything isn’t clear, we’ll try to contact you to clarify your request.

Our normal turn-round time for searches is 10 working days, although please let us know if you need a faster response and we’ll see what we can do.

Please be aware that if your search is for a course you’re on – we can’t do it for you, although we can answer any questions you may have about your search – resources to use, how to best use them, etc. – see Contact Us – below


We can offer training sessions to RDASH staff however for contractual reasons these have to be approved by Heather Rice, Grounded Research.

However, we can be approached to answer any questions you might have about any aspects of where and how to search for evidence, or how to appraise it once you’ve found it.

We have a guide to searching the Knowledge & Library Hub and there are a number of e-Learning modules available

We also have a page of critical appraisal resources to help you get you started.

Health literacy


The Knowledge & Library Service maintains a Publications Register of published articles, books and chapters written by RDaSH staff.

The RDASH Publications register can be searched in various ways, for example by author.

The entries are being updated monthly – if you have published something we may have missed, please e-mail the details so that it can be followed up:  dbth.publications@nhs.net


Want to join the library?  Request an article or book?  Ask for an evidence search?

Click the picture or follow this link to download the form you need (be aware that the electronic forms may not work on IOS devices)


The Library can help you with your Nursing and Midwifery Revalidation – the process that all nurses and midwives in the UK now need to follow to maintain their registration with the NMC.

The Knowledge, Library & Information Service is here to help you – for full details of how we can support you and our collection of useful resources (books, journal articles, videos, podcasts) – take a look at our Revalidation Support webpage by clicking the picture, or this link.


For further information about any aspects of our service please contact:

Library, DRI
Tel: 01302 642894
E-mail: dbth.dri.library@nhs.net

Library, Bassetlaw Hospital
Tel: 01909 572917
E-mail: dbth.bas.library@nhs.net

Content out of date? Information wrong or not clear enough? Report this page.