Keeping Up To Date

The Knowledge & Library service can help you keep up to date with news and changes in your field – from bulletins on different topics to alerts letting you know when new articles appear in your favourite journals or new books arrive in a number of specialties.

What is it?

KnowledgeShare is an online system providing targeted updates on your professional interests. It searches for high impact articles and documents in your area, and sends them to you in a regular bulletin by email.

Why use it?

It gives you the latest high-level evidence in your field.

How does it work?

We create a KnowledgeShare profile for you and it will be as broad or as specific as you need. For example, you could receive everything published on obstetrics or limit your interests to items related to gestational diabetes, or any of a whole range of other topics – as many or as few as you like.

How do I sign up?

To sign up for KnowledgeShare or any of the bulletins on this page, please complete the online form.

Alternatively, email us and tell us which bulletin/s you’d like to subscribe to.


These bulletins collate key evidence, reports and articles from a wide range of sources, and are regularly e-mailed out to subscribers.

They’re aimed at trust staff and students – be aware that we are unable to answer questions related to them from the general public.

Current topics covered are listed below.

The Big Four – A weekly bulletin containing the titles and abstracts of research papers from BMJ, Lancet, NEJM and JAMA.

A monthly update of articles relating to Quality Improvement.

Latest QI Evidence Update

A monthly update of articles relating to Sustainability.

Coming soon….

Quarterly update of articles specific to issues relevant to NMPs.

Latest Non-Medical Prescriber’s bulletin

The Non-Medical Prescribing bulleting is produced by a national team of prescribing clinicians, practitioners, librarians, and educators.

Journal Tables Of Contents

If you want to keep up with new articles published in particular journals that you’re interested in, try Knowledgeshare (see top of this page).  To sign up please complete the online form.

If you’re interested in the few journals that aren’t covered by Knowledgeshare, JournalTOCs can help:

This free service contains Tables Of Contents for over 33000 journals from over 3500 publishers. Sign up for free and:
– follow your favourite journals (up to 30 titles)
– be alerted when new issues of your favourite journals are published
– save and export articles
– save your searches

Set up a JournalTOC

e-TOC Alerts

Alternatively, we are happy to set up Electronic Tables Of Contents (eTOC) alerts for you on a wide range of subjects and topics – see below for examples:

Paediatrics e-TOC Alert

Contents of 7 of the best journals in paediatric medicine.

Latest Paediatric e-TOC alert

New Book Alerts

New book alerts

Would you like to receive details of new books added to stock for your area of professional interest?

Just email us stating “New Book Alerts” in the subject heading and let us know what sort of areas are interested in such as emergency medicine, dementia, reflective practice, general medicine, medical ethics, oncology, or anything else.

or complete our the new book alert form

For more information please contact the Knowledge & Library Team:

Tel: 01302 642894 or 01909 572917

Email:  or

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