DBTH staff talking Research
Why get involved in research? Three of our staff explain what it’s meant for them, and the impact it’s had on themselves, their departments and the trust. Click on their picture to play the video:

DBTH Research & Development Newsletters
Our aim is to reach out each quarter to keep you updated on all the latest work we are doing on behalf of the Trust. This is one way we can celebrate our achievements and also provide an insight into the kind of research carried out at DBTH.
The Ideas Clinic
Are you a nurse, midwife, AHP, or any other healthcare professional interested in research, improving practice or knowledge exchange, but don’t know where to start?
Unsure whether your idea is audit, service evaluation or research?
Come and talk to the Ideas Clinic!
Every Tuesday, 10am-2pm; book a slot to discuss your idea with this form.
Still unsure? drop an email to parveen.ali@sheffield.ac.uk
Useful links:
Each of these link will take you to a page of information, advice and external links
Research Skills Training & development


External Newsletters

Twitter handles to watch

Digital Transformation & Innovation

Writing for Publication

Making a Research Poster

Publications Register

Funding Sources

Awards for completed projects

Contact the Research & Development Team
For more information and advice about research at the trust – contact the R&D team:
01302 644069 or dbth.clinicalresearch@nhs.net
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