Help from the trust:
The graphic design team can help, and they have templates that you can use too. More details about them here.
Not sure about logos, fonts and other NHS design requirements? You can find the trust branding guidelines here.

Why so many articles & videos?
Different styles might suit different presentations and people. Although there are common themes running through most of them, each of these articles and videos has a slightly different take on what makes a good poster and provides a few different ideas.

Written articles

How to make a scientific poster: a guide for medical students
Cardiff university
A fairly brief guide to producing a poster.
Preparing a Scientific Poster
Council for Allied Health Professions Research
A short 2 page guide of tips
Preparing a Poster Presentation
American College of Physicians
A detailed article with lots of ideas, not only on how to design your poster, but what to do with it too.
How to create a research poster
NYU Libraries
Short guide to producing posters with links to related resources to help.
Designing Conference Posters
Colin Purrington (a real academic, not just a random internet guy!)
Guide + lots of examples of different styles and links to blank templates.
How to design an award-winning conference poster
LSE Blog
Step by step guide to designing a poster that will stand out – in a good way.

Making a better research poster (4mins)
A short presentation showing 8 tips for creating a great research poster for a conference, from the Poster Illustration team at American Journal Experts.
How Not to Design a Poster (2mins)
Things not to do from Dr. Bruce Kirchoff (Professor of Biology at the University of North Carolina) & Mike Morrison (PhD Student in Organizational Psychology at Michigan State University)
Mike Morrison on Better Posters (12mins)
Continuing from the presentation above – a brief video of some basic ideas for a better poster
How to create a better research poster in less time #1 (20mins)
Mike Morrison again with more details on how to make a better poster
How to create a better research poster in less time #2 (20mins)
Mike Morrison goes into more detail on creating better posters (includes link to templates)

Now you’ve got your poster:
Giving an Effective Poster Presentation (12mins)
Video by George Hess (professor at NC state university)

Still struggling?
You can contact the library team and we’ll see what we can do to help. You can email us here:
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