How does it work?
Once we’ve received your request, we’ll get in touch if we need to clarify anything, then we’ll search the best available online databases and specialist search portals to find the latest and most relevant information for you.
We will put together a report of the information we find and send it to you within 10 working days of receiving your request.
This timescale is negotiable, so let us know if you need the results urgently. We prioritise requests and aim to complete them within your deadline.
You can always come and see us in person to discuss what you need – the more information we get, the better.
If you’d like to request a search, please complete an evidence search request form.

Do you need to find evidence for a course you’re on?
If that’s the case, we can’t do the search for you, as most course supervisors wouldn’t be happy about us doing your work for you, BUT we can help you find what you need with a personalised, one to one, face to face (or online) training session that will help you get to grips with finding high quality evidence.
We can also help you learn to assess the quality of the evidence you find with critical appraisal training and we can provide help you understand referencing. Find out more on the training page.
What sorts of things have we been looking for?
Some of our most recent search topics include:
– Haemophilus parainfluenzae – can it cause lung nodules?
– Single point of access to community healthcare
– Severe gastric distention with ischaemia in Prader Willi syndrome
– Incidence of humerus fracture and displaced clavicle in normal vs difficult births
– Anteriolateral access to hip during surgery
– Cemented versus uncemented stems
– Molecular basis of pulmonary artery hypertension
– Evidence base for Tier 3 Weight Management Services
– Best practice in treating pyrexia in adults
– Ethical dilemmas around treatment of necrotising pancreatitis
– Assessment of paediatric pain
– Mental health act section 3 detainments applied by general hospitals and mental health trusts
– Evidence base to support bariatric surgery from a public health perspective
– Percentage of patients presenting with splenic haematoma in blunt abdominal trauma
– Migraine as initial presentation of MS
– Art therapy and learning disabilities

Contact Us
Please email
Or alternatively, you can contact Sarah or Katherine directly –
Sarah Gardner
Clinical Evidence Specialist
(based at Bassetlaw but can travel)
Tel: 01909 572950 or BAS ext.572950
Katherine France
Knowledge & Library Service Manager
Tel: 01302 642895 or DRI ext. 642895

Service Standard: We will undertake a search on any subject you are researching or developing. Our service standard is to deliver the results to you within 10 working days, or by a mutually agreed date.
Literature Search Service Delivery Standard

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