Join the library
Library membership is available for all staff and learners at RDASH. To join:
- Please complete our online form
- select Doncaster & Bassetlaw – Doncaster Royal Infirmary as your “home” library.
- Once your membership has been approved, you will be sent a welcome email.
- If you have any questions, please email
How do I find a book?

You can search our new library catalogue (YorCat) which will search Doncaster & Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals’ book and e-book collection as well as multiple NHS libraries across Yorkshire and the Humber. You can request books to be sent to you local library at DRI or Bassetlaw.
For RDASH staff once we have received your book at DRI or Bassetlaw we will contact you to explore options for getting items to you. Wherever possible we will try and post items out to you.
How many books can I borrow and for how long?
You can borrow 10 items. Books are normally loaned for 4 weeks. Books not required by other users are automatically renewed 5 times, after which you will be expected to return your books.
How do I reserve a book?
Go to Log in to your account. If you haven’t logged in before you will need to setup a password to be able to access the YorCat catalogue. Please go to log in to your account and use your library member number or username and the Forgot password? link to set-up a password. If you do not know your library member ID then please contact us
After setting your password you will be able to log in to the library catalogue using your library membership number and password and reserve books.
What if you don’t have the book I need?
If we do not have the book you need, we can usually get it for you free of charge. We will carry out a search to see if the book is held by another library and if possible it will be borrowed from that library on your behalf. Please contact us to request an inter-library loan book.
Can I recommend a book for purchase?
We welcome recommendations please get in touch with us with the details of the book and we will consider whether we can add it to our collection.
New book alerts

Would you like to receive details of new books added to stock?
Just email us and we will add you to our mailing list.
Do you charge fines?
No we do not charge fines so overdue books. We just ask you to make contact if you are struggling to return an item.
If books are lost there will be a charge for a replacement item (in some cases we may be able to accept a good quality second hand copy) if you have lost a book please make contact to discuss options.

PCs for study and e-learning
PC access is available for staff and students at the Libraries at DRI and Bassetlaw during opening hours.
Study space is available in both libraries enabling you to undertake your studies or research in comfortable surroundings. You are welcome to bring your own device and connect to the Wi-Fi.
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